How to Dockerize WordPress sites [part.1]

2 min readJan 11, 2018

WordPress and Docker

WordPress is the most popular CMS on the market, period. On the other hand, Docker is the triendiest techs since the first iPhone. Objective of this guide is to show you what are the benefits of Dockerizing your WordPress site and how to do it.

Why should I dockerize my WordPress sites

This point could be very long but instead of writing lenghty essays, we’ll just show specific use cases . To cut the long story short:

What is Docker?

In general, Docker is a type of virtualization which is faster and lighter than other VMs thanks to a different attitude to the infrastructure. If we compare it to a standard VM that can take even a few minutes to get started, Docker can be launched in just a few seconds (!). What’s more, you can easily run dozens of Docker containers on a single PC which could otherwise launch no more than 5 VMs.

What does it mean in practice?

  • You don’t need Apache, MySQL server, XAMPP etc. to run WordPress locally. All you need is Docker — the installation is a breeze and takes only a few seconds.
  • No matter if it’s a dev PC, Stage server or LIVE server and what OS it is, Docker works the same everywhere. This means you won’t have to look for bugs that, say, appear on the LIVE server and cannot be reproduced locally.

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