Filesystem — the foundation of Buddy’s pipelines



This guide offers details concerning the filesystem — the basis of every pipeline, and clarifies how to use it to improve pipelines’ abilities.

Objectives of this guide

This guide will help you:

  • Get familiar with the pipeline’s filesystem.
  • Learn how to use the filesystem to build applications.
  • Find out how to deploy applications from the filesystem and understand the difference between repository/filesystem deployment.

NOTE: This guide expects you to be familiar with Buddy’s pipelines. If not, check out this guide.

What is the Filesystem?

Filesystem is about pipelines. Every pipeline has its own directory, called the filesystem. In this folder you can process/compile the files from the repository and next deploy the processed code wherever you want.

The contents of the Filesystem

Upon setting up a pipeline its filesystem is just an empty catalog. It will be filled with files when you add build actions to your pipeline and run it.

Every build action, before performing a build, executes git clone clone command to this directory, which means that during the build process all the files from the repository are copied to the filesystem.

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