New features:
- New action: Gatsby CLI — build apps and websites with React with the new static site generator
- Parallel actions are now available for all users, which marks the end of the Beta period. We have also increased RAM on the Starter plan to 3GB. Both changes do not affect currently selected plans — in order to use the new features, you need to upgrade your plan and accept the new pricing scheme
- You can now define the bucket to which the application package will be deployed for the ‘AWS Elastic Beanstalk’ and ‘AWS CodeDeploy’ actions
- It is now possible to set a custom commit message in the ‘Git Push’ action
- New default ENV VAR:
- In order to clear dangling images in the ‘Build Docker image’ action,
docker image prune
is executed by default. In certain multistage builds, some of the layers were always built without the cache. You can now switch off prune if required - The actions from the ‘Others’ section have been redesigned — from now on, ‘Pass arguments’, ‘Wait for apply’, ‘Copy files’, ‘Trigger pipeline’, ‘Find & replace’ and ‘Sleep’ have a more intuitive design
- The trigger condition in build actions has been moved to a dedicated tab
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug which caused that the SMS action wasn’t marked as failed although the daily limit has been exceeded
- The keys added to the ENV VARs contained incorrect newline characters and therefore the keys in the OpenSSH format in some actions didn’t work right