The GitHub Satellite conference is just a few days away and Buddy is pleased to announce that we’re helping to sponsor it. We believe that good people connecting and learning from each other is an invaluable experience and we’re happy to do our part in making it happen. The GitHub satellite conference is a place for people who love software and are changing the world through its use. That’s something that we believe in at Buddy and it’s why we think that we’re in a great place to make this contribution.
The GitHub Satellite Conference
Satellite takes place every year and is GitHub’s flagship conference. People come from all over the world to watch presentations, take part in workshops and network with other attendees. This year the conference is in Berlin, a city known for its young entrepreneurs and programmers. A number of people from GitHub will speak as well as representatives from Microsoft, the European Parliament and many other exciting organizations. Every year the conference is a crowd favorite and we don’t think that this year will be any different.
Why We’re Doing This
Buddy chose to be a conference sponsor not just because of the great speakers and content. Our motivation lies in our interest of informing influential programmers about Buddy and the advantages that it can offer them. Our CI/CD tools are second to none and we are well known in the industry for our delivery automation.
That’s the core of what Buddy does yet our focus for the future is on the Buddy token. We believe that with BUD we are going to be able to turn cloud computing and data storage on its head. By bringing together datacenters and creating equal access for everyone, developers all over the world are going to have a fair footing when it comes to developing the best software. BUD is going to be the coin that powers it all.
Our vision of this better future is what powers the team and that’s why we choose to be the GitHub Satellite coffee sponsor of 2019. We believe this is a great opportunity to build brand awareness and get people talking about Buddy. Not just what we do now, but even more importantly, what we’re planning to do in the future. If you’d like to be a part of that future make sure to follow Buddy on Twitter or come check out the Satellite conference, there are still a few tickets left!